Friday, December 29, 2006

Can You Shower After A Wax

Open Office


In the world of computing is now impossible to do without a suite. A suite is a collection of computer applications that allow users to carry out community action, such as writing a letter or listening to a song. They differ from operating systems, which are used to control the computer. The applications are practically all the software that make the computer a useful tool.
The most common applications are word processors and spreadsheets, and personal productivity software are defined.
For years the domain of the market for these products is Microsoft with its Office, thanks to a policy based on "laissez faire" about piracy is successful to act as a market standard. The problem for the average user is the price: 400 to 600 Euros depending on the version used.

few years, a patrol of willing volunteers has put into his head to compete with Microsoft. E 'born

Open Office is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, you can collect, use and distribute free the product.
You read that right: it's free .

I use Open Office for some years and I must say cha apart from a few bugs of previous versions è un prodotto che ha raggiunto la sua maturità. Per la quasi
totalità degli utenti home offre delle performances più che sufficienti. A meno
che non dobbiate compiere complesse operazioni sui fogli di calcolo, Open Office
ha tutti i numeri per stare alla pari con Microsoft Office.

Consiglio a tutti di provare Open Office . Si può prelevare
gratuitamente nella

sezione italiana del sito Open Office

La suite compresa di Java Runtime Environment pesa 114 Mb, non è adatta allo
scarico con un modem 56k, ma chi ha una connessione dsl non ha più scuse:
dedicate 10 minuti del vostro tempo allo scarico di questo software, non
rimarrete delusi e contribuirete anche voi al successo del software libero.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Female Hair Loss Causes More Condition_symptoms

The privileges of the Vatican Benedict XVI

Scuole. Servizi. Ici. Radio. Parrocchie. Ecco tutti i privilegi che lo Stato
italiano riserva alla Chiesa

Il più noto è l'8 per mille più antico, l' extraterritorialità , garantita
a tutte le proprietà della Santa Sede fuori dalle mura vaticane. I privilegi
della Chiesa, codificati specie nei due Patti lateranensi, il Trattato e il
Concordato, si nascondono più spesso tra le pieghe delle Finanziarie e nel
corpus della normativa di casa nostra.

Non tutti sanno che la manovra 2005 finanzia con 15 milioni il Centro San
Raffaele del Mount Tabor Don Luigi Verzè. Or that the same law sets a one million funding for "upgrading the technology used in the field of radio, but restrict it to two channels: Radio Padania Libera , the radio of the Northern League, and Radio Maria .
Since 1985, the ' 8 per thousand tax on personal income tax is "designed for the purpose of a religious nature to the direct management of the Catholic Church" since 1929, is Italy to pay the 5 million cubic meters of water consumed on average each year by the Papal State. For waste water, Vatican City fastens ACEA, but not pay the bills .
When the company publicly traded in '99, the 44 billion pounds of debt them shelves, Ministry of Economy. Since then, the approximately 4 billion pounds year should be met by the Church . The Finance
2004 solves the case: allocates 25 million immediately and four e. or 2005 to give the Vatican a system of water right. The same maneuver provides 50 million in two tranches for the 'Campus Bio-Medico University , "apostolic work of Opus Gods. "
In 2003, Parliament had already recognized as equalized the Institute of Policy Studies of St. Pius V, approving the annual funding of 1.5 million . It is the year that passes the Law on the speakers: the state recognizes the educational and social centers of parish activities and finances. The record for 2005 is for the parish of Our Tuglie (Lecce): one million and € 180 000 for a soccer field, a bowling green, changing rooms and toilets.
Municipalities are obliged to pay 8 percent of charges for secondary infrastructure (kindergartens, schools, sports facilities district) to the churches. As for
Catholic schools, most of which are private, receive state subsidies in the form of contributions to the management (at just less than 500 million in 2005), funding of projects for "the elevation quality and effectiveness of training opportunities "( one million for the" training of managerial staff of the officially recognized "), for contributions to their families.

Chosen by CEI, but paid by the State , religion teachers were placed in a role with the 2003 law.
Finally, ICI: The exemption for the property, even intended for commercial use , owned by the Catholic Church became law in 2005.

Adapted from L'Espresso 12.01.2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

Funny Message For Wedding Card

words of Pope

"I can not shut my concern for the laws on civil unions."
"Many of these couples - the Pope said - have chosen this way because, at least for the moment, do not feel able to accept the legally ordered and binding cohabitation of marriage. Thus, they prefer to stay in the simple state of affairs. When you create new legal forms that relativize marriage, the renunciation of a definitive bond gets, so to speak, a juridical seal. In this case, deciding for those who already has difficulty becomes even more difficult. He then added - added the pontiff - for the other type of couple, the relativization of the difference between the sexes. Thus becomes equal to the coming together of a man and a woman or two persons of the same sex. "

The Church makes a deaf ear. I seem to have gone back 300 years. But who said that many couples do not marry for no accountability? But who said that two persons of the same sex who live together are gay? Who said that choices are selfish and personal? It seems to me to dream, only that they are nightmares.
There are situations where people are forced to live without being able to marry. We want to deny them the right to take over in the rent in case of death of the owner? We want to force them to renounce the deceased spouse's pension that allows them to be able to pay the costs survive?
We want to once again leave out the under water Adele Parrillo on duty?

E 'requires a recognition of such couples. The Church does not pretend to understand and put into the same pot all unmarried couples to fear of losing what little influence it has on citizens. Strange that this still has the highest on most of our bad politicians is clear now that, right or left no longer represent the Italian people.

birth on the defense of the Pope insisted:

"This deep lack of same, plus the wish to have life all to themselves, is perhaps the deepest reason why the risk of having children seems to many to be almost unsustainable. "

If families today do not have children is because there are not any money to maintain them. 's why many think that something is not sustainable. People are surviving, we must realize this. But until we have the reality and the phone, all right. Just

interference in the politics of our nation. Just political slobbering and wagging every papal diktats. We are fed up. Let us live in peace with ourselves and with others. We do not need someone who is there to say what is right and what is not.
Maximum respect for believers practitioners who stood around 18% of the total citizens, but also compared to those 82% who do not recognize in the Church.