In the world of computing is now impossible to do without a suite. A suite is a collection of computer applications that allow users to carry out community action, such as writing a letter or listening to a song. They differ from operating systems, which are used to control the computer. The applications are practically all the software that make the computer a useful tool.
The most common applications are word processors and spreadsheets, and personal productivity software are defined.
For years the domain of the market for these products is Microsoft with its Office, thanks to a policy based on "laissez faire" about piracy is successful to act as a market standard. The problem for the average user is the price: 400 to 600 Euros depending on the version used.
few years, a patrol of willing volunteers has put into his head to compete with Microsoft. E 'born
Open Office is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, you can collect, use and distribute free the product.
You read that right: it's free .
I use Open Office for some years and I must say cha apart from a few bugs of previous versions è un prodotto che ha raggiunto la sua maturità. Per la quasi
totalità degli utenti home offre delle performances più che sufficienti. A meno
che non dobbiate compiere complesse operazioni sui fogli di calcolo, Open Office
ha tutti i numeri per stare alla pari con Microsoft Office.
Consiglio a tutti di provare Open Office . Si può prelevare
gratuitamente nella
sezione italiana del sito Open Office .
La suite compresa di Java Runtime Environment pesa 114 Mb, non è adatta allo
scarico con un modem 56k, ma chi ha una connessione dsl non ha più scuse:
dedicate 10 minuti del vostro tempo allo scarico di questo software, non
rimarrete delusi e contribuirete anche voi al successo del software libero.