So it is official.
The government will last at least 2 years 6 months and one day to allow our representatives to achieve the minimum that will allow them to use the gold earned retirement in the face of ordinary citizens. It was not yet sure, many things had to do but now I have reached certainty.
The issue of the new electoral law will take away the time for our heroes, the conflict of interest is yet to be put on the table discussions, unmarried couples are still a problem unravel in all its facets and then we go, we want to put the great question of the Democratic Party?
I sincerely believe that these historic decisions (?) Should be made when in opposition, I thought the rule did not leave time for these steps. How wrong I was!
Our hard working not only able to govern but also to create a new party, one thing Italy needs stated in the choir under the benevolent gaze of Berlusconi, who lost no time for yet another mess-up his pro domo .
thought we had voted to change Italy and instead we find ourselves with a nomenklatura worse. The only
risultati che mi vengono in mente di questa legislatura sono un
bellissimo indulto che ha permesso ai delinquenti comuni ed agli amici degli
amici di passarla liscia ed ultimamente questa bella legge di Mastella, ben
spiegata nel
blog di Romina . Due begli esempi di maggioranza bulgara, al di là delle
divisioni ideologiche, dei credo politici, delle dichiarazioni di facciata. Alla
faccia nostra.
Viva l'Italia.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Cell Phone Moistureindicator
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Pubic Itchiness Crabs
Oggi è stata la giornata delle due godurie.
E' cominciato stamattina con la
decisione dell'UEFA di assegnare i campionati europei di calcio del 2012 al
duo Ucraina/Polonia leaving you with an inch of his nose, the Italian representatives are sure to win hands down because of some kind of predestination.
not want to be misunderstood, is a fresh blow to Italy world champion nation and certainly most appropriate facilities, stadiums, development of sport-football of the competition. But this is not what they see of us abroad. We Italians are seen as a bluff and is something that the politicians would do well to confront the country. My
Goduria stems from the fact that if we had assigned the Europeans would have been as usual a magna magna, infrastructure created specifically to waste money, work unfinished, bribes galore. Here because it is a pleasure.
I hope that the money, if any, are better spent in support of citizenship and not to build cathedrals in the desert.
Goduria The second result came from the San Siro where AS Roma beat Inter now mathematically certain to win the Scudetto. Pathetic dive of the emperor Hadrian, a marcantonio 189 cm high and weighing 86 kg who did not find anything better than fainting in the area to catch a red and yellow panalty. Elisabetta Canalis
pathetic and Riccardo Ferri on TV instead of admitting the simulation with refinement of Hadrian were scrambling just to show that it was rigorous. Pathetic
players che tronfi dello scudetto di cartone cucito sulle loro
maglie continuano a declamare la condotta cristallina della propria società, la
stessa società dei passaporti falsi, dei falsi in bilancio, delle plusvalenze
fantasma, dei controlli in barba alla privacy fatti tramite Telecom a giocatori
ed arbitri. Degli angioletti puri ed integri insomma.
Non si rabbuino i tifosi interisti, lo scudetto sarà loro per quest'anno anche
se molti hanno dubbi sul valore della competizione 2006/2007. Io non sono
d'accordo: i nerazzurri hanno combattuto per il primo posto con squadroni del
calibro di Empoli e Palermo e sono persino riusciti ad infilare un record
infinito di vittorie grazie alla saggia guida di un fine esteta del calcio come
Roberto Mancini ed alla presidenza di un gran signore come Moratti, uno che con
quello che ha speso in questi anni per un fuoriclasse come Recoba avrebbe potuto
sfamare un piccolo Stato africano. Se poi in Champions League sono stati
eliminati è tutto colpa di un destino cinico e baro che non permette alla
squadra milanese di vincere una cippa da qualche anno, un po' come succedeva in
Italia fino a quando si è scoperto che erano gli
onesti :
Viva gli onesti !
Monday, April 9, 2007
Bedwetting Store Promos
Certo che certa gente ha un bel coraggio a tentare una truffa scrivendo una
email di questo Generally, I'm still rolling with laughter.
This is a kind of scam is intended to hotels and restaurants. The scam is headed by gangs based in Africa, usually in Côte d'Ivoire. Used for telephone calls to a telephone service portability (prefix 0022) that British Telecom sells handsomely on a par with our own 144 and 899. I am comforted that this does not happen only in Italy.
I thought no one may fall but the voracious hunger of money has led some to fall for a bad hotel. My opinion is that it serves him well.
Another example of fraud, more refined Blog Sergio .
OGGETTO: Chieda la prenotazione 08 genti
Sono il sig. HERMANE LARUSE and che vorrei fare una prenotazione di 02 tabelle
nel vostro ristorante per 08 genti nel quadro del mio compleanno dell'unione e
vorrei a anche chiedergli se avete gli appartamenti o stanze perché desidero
anche riservare 02 appartamenti o 04 doppie stanze.
Data dal pranzo: 22/03/2007
di ora del pranzo: GMT di 19Heurs 30mn.
Un certo numero di gente: 8 numeri della GENTE (6 adulti + 2 bambini)
di tabelle riservate: 02 tabelle.
Tipi di stanze riservate: 04 doppie sale 02appartements.
Durata di prenotazione delle stanze: dal 18/03/2007 al 25/03/2007
Poichè vorrei informarlo poichè verrei con la mia moglie, i miei 2 bambini, il
mio father-in-law, il mio mother-in-law, più due amici.
Per questa prenotazione che gradirei che potete comporli un menu che contiene
un'entrata, un piatto di resistenza, un dessert, che beva (vino bianco o colore
rosso) tutto quello per 08 genti. Così sono sullo standby della vostra
valutazione o accennerete la quantità totale di mia prenotazione per il pranzo
ed anche per l'alloggio in moda da poterlo spedire I you in advance the details of my credit card balance to my booking if your institution has a credit card terminal and if you agree in advance payments by credit card (VISA or Master Card). ;
I would also like to ask for your help with a problem that currently meet: I made a reservation at a travel agency and make all the tickets in the gold complex at 8500 € 's agency has no end of credit card so I could pay in advance on the sum of € 5000 € 3500, and since most do not have enough cash I'll have me on the Agency the sum of 3500 €.
also would like to add my reservation on the evaluation of the sum of 3500 € which is the amount that I need quiet to the agency so that they can deliver the tickets. Since it is a service that you ask me I want to also offer the sum of € 1500 for assistance and also cover the cost of the mandate of the UNION express train WESTENRA which must take place after the 3500 € on my credit card .
So I would like to receive the evaluation of the reservation in this manner: - The amount Booking total of € + 3500 express train of the term for my problem of plane tickets + 1500 € I offer you like the commission.
are on standby to send us your assessment of the particular my credit card to balance the reservation, so that you can also take € 3500 for help in front of my problem and also so that you take your commission of € 900. I am counting on you so that this dinner is a great success and all the information you can join me on the telephone: 00225 01930069 or by e-mail:
Mr. Charles
Peret. Phone: 00225 01930069
Monday, April 2, 2007
Instructions For Hydraulic Storage Bed
The City and the Province of Torino must receive state 6 million euros of rent arrears .
The municipality of Turin alone seems to be creditor to the Ministry of Justice of about 5 million.
mezzucci It also uses low-grade: In 2004, the Interior Ministry has released the payment of a 'tranche' of arrears is subject to obtaining a deduction of 10% turnover.
We remain a contract.
Meanwhile, about 2 billion euros of credit immediately due nice lie in the Italian Post Office boxes that nicely by a part of the State bonus interest of 1 percent, with all that Einstein has not occurred to anyone to negotiate other nicely and receives interest quite a bit 'more High on that same money that nicely lends to local authorities and ministries through Cassa .
But the state can do more, the offices involved in the collection are not even computerized at all gets Manazza as at the time of Garibaldi. The poor, probably in a basement they are dealing with a system that certainly will not try to copy the Chinese, the spark Italian intellect, the lift-practices. Fruit of the legendary Italian genius a pulley system allows shelving to climb or descend like an elevator. On many plans have put the folders of practices to deal with, there are three employees: the only example of obvious global failure in the management of public affairs.
Now I understand that there is a circle of people who take advantage of the source and have every interest to maintain the status quo but what I wonder is, and others?
Meanwhile the citizens of Turin will be required to pay their taxes with the deficiency of public machine, a subjective thing is not the result of bad decisions but true and his inability.
Video Reports , after the striking of the first minute you can enjoy the fruit of Italian genius, lift-the aforementioned practices. At minute 5:45 for the first time in my life I saw Mastella embarrassed, good Sabrina Giannini, Mastella is a fox.