Thursday, December 30, 2010

Toronto Gay Cruise Spots

virtuemart error Warning: Missing argument 2 for vmGet (), Called in / htdocs / public / www / administrator / components / com_virtuemart / classes / ps_shipping.php on line 113 and defined in / htdocs / public / www / administrator / components / com_virtuemart / classes / request.class.php on line 26

Here's how to fix the error Virtue mart:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for vmGet () Called in / htdocs / public / www / administrator / components / com_virtuemart / classes / ps_shipping.php on line 113 and defined in / htdocs / public / www / administrator / components / com_virtuemart / classes / request.class.php on line 26

ps_shipping.php download the file go to the line following lines:
113 and change the following code

 $ fields = array ('shipping_carrier_name' => vmGet ($ d ["shipping_carrier_name"]) 


 $ fields = array ('shipping_carrier_name' => vmGet ($ d, 'shipping_carrier_name'), 


 So the line of code for the original 26 code: 

 $ fields = array ('shipping_carrier_name' => vmGet ($ d ["shipping_carrier_name"]) 

 modified code: 

 $ fields = array ('shipping_carrier_name' => vmGet ($ d, 'shipping_carrier_name'), 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Much Is A Single Pearl Worth

Whois Client - all information of a domain

Whois Client is a small, lightweight software that is used to retrieve any information of a domain, with a detailed report on the domain name, nameserver IP owner recovering reseller hosting and all the associated data.
Download Client Whois

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Las Vegas Rabbit Cages

The best programs from malware, anti spyware, adware, virus, firewall and PC protection.

Since I returned to the wonderful world of Winblows .. .'m struggling like all mortals with malware, spyware, adware, viruses, and so on and more and so forth.

Due to a trojan or similar, I had to reinstall windows 7, this trojan me in automatically opened windows explorer , pop up, even if the privacy settings were set to lock all windows Pop up more this trojan or something, preventing me from installing and uninstalling programs or even blocking of the system files found in windows system32 start making me appear in the window with the error message "Unable to open file because internet security settings. "
Now I have decided to protect myself thoroughly with a good antivirus , use the default I have the trial version McAfee, the firewall active both McAfee and Windows, plus a good choice is to use in real time the new and better firewall Comodo firewall, and finally the anti spiware some that are worth mentioning are the ones I use: 1
- Spybot : perfect for finding small threats especially from the Internet, to use at least once every 30 days and always remember the updates, remember to turn on auditing Standing only explorer and not the entire system, slowing down parécio.
2 - Spyware blaster : excellent spyware blocking file or software that make malware or adware, spybot also be launched later.
3-after the first two I start the third new malware but good and light, is called mailwarebytes , this excellent program locates some things that locates spybot, but the fact remains, however, the right and duty to use before spybot and also after mailwarebytes.
4 - Finally, to control malware in real time is great spyware terminator , always active to defend quietly.
With this I believe that we will be safe, at least I hope so.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Close Up Brazilian Wax

Symbols, faccine, emoticon e smiley per facebook

Here is a nice site that offers hundreds of symbols, smileys, emoticons and smileys for facebook you can use both as a state or post or comment out, the links are as follows:

symbols facebook
here is a taste of symbols found on
ツ ✈ ☮ ❖ ✌ ♋ 웃 유 Σ ⊗ ♒ ☠ ☯ ♠ Ω ♤ ♣ ♧ ♥ ♡ ♦ ♢ ♔ ♕ ♚ ♛ ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ☄ ☾ ☽ ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☻ ☺ ۞ ۩ ♬ ✄ ✂ ✆ ✉ ✦ ✧ ∞ ♂ ♀ ☿ ❤ ❥ ❦ ❧ ™ ® © ✗ ✘ ⊗ ♒ ▢ ▲ △ ▼ ▽ ◆ ◇ ○ ◎ ● ◯ Δ ◕ ◔ ʊ ϟ ღ 回 ₪ ✓ ✔ ✕

smileys, emoticons, smiley facebook
here is a taste of smileys and emoticons for facebook
≧ ◡ ≦ ᵔ. ᵔ: ◅) ≕) ≔) ≠) 9 (̯ × ×) 6 9 (• ̮̮-) 6 '☋': = ◑ ☋ Σ =)-Ж þ


Western Chikan Train Groping

Happy Christmas Happy New Year to you all

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wild Party Springbreaks

OSOLCaptcha per joomla

avoid unwanted access to their sites web is very important. The best system of protection of access is currently Captcha, which is the plugin that allows you to restrict access in login, contact us, registration, password reset and remind user name.
Unfortunately, the use of this plugin, in many cases is restricted to web professionals, so many novice users are not able to use it.
OSOLCaptcha , however, was also created for users less "navigator", in fact, in three simple steps you can add the plugin to your Joomla template.
After installing the plugin, simply publish it and choose from five types of models described earlier.
Although it is not mandatory in many cases, it is recommended to go to the admin panel of the plugin and perform two additional actions to ensure a protection against spam attacks. They are explained in an excellent manner, the page from which you can download the plugin.
There are also limitations related to ease of use, but consult the OSOLCaptcha, you will find a way to use it without major problems.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How To Stop Snoring More Condition_symptoms

PHP data e ora in italiano

is a convenient PHP script to print the date and time in Italian.

php $ day = date ("j");
$ month = date ("n");
$ year = date ("Y");
$ hour = date (" H: i ");
$ internettime = date (" B ");
$ week = date (" w ");
$ DayOfWeek = array (" Sunday "," Monday "," Tuesday "," Wednesday ",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
$ Nomemese = array (1 => "January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November" "December");
/ / print it all here
echo ("$ DayOfWeek [$ week]." ",".. '"" $ day "..'" "$ nomemese [$ month] ".. '" "$ year");
echo "$ hours hours @ $ internettime"

Friday, December 17, 2010

Long Dong Silver 's Movie

Rimuovere la firma Powered by Sigsiu.NET del componente sobi per joomla

This site I was struggling with component Sobi directory for joomla , but obviously come tutti i servizi non a pagamento hanno la loro firma di default.

Ora so che per rispetto bisogna lasciarla, però è antiestetica...per rimuoverla da sobi ho trovato questa discussione in un forum in lingua inglese:
dove ad un certo punto dicono di prendere il file:\components\com_sobi2\frontend.class.php
e cancellare il contenuto della variabile $h presente alla riga 314, solo che nella nuova versione del componente sobi2 le righe con la variabile $h sono parecchie, quindi bisognerà svuotare più righe.
Se avete delle difficoltà scrivete pure nei commenti.

Pogoga Dlugoterminowa

Registrare video dal desktop con Cam studio

Cam Studio is an open source software for streaming video that allows you to record directly everything that passes through the screen or the microphone of your computer.
is a very useful tool in various situations, such as whether Evet need to record a series of steps to explain to other people how a particular software, or if you want to record an error repeated during the execution of a program, so you can send it to producers or developers, again, simply to make videos while using the tricks in your favorite programs and do not want to forget them.
Key features include the ability, through its SFW - producer, to get AVI movies to different standards.
Obviously the potential of a program like Cam Studio certainly does not stop here, it can also put you at a later time, parts of movies recorded with the web cam, video effects and audio to increase the quality of your work.
also offers the ability to record also clearly defined sections of your desktop and also the possibility of deciding the final quality of the project to export in order to achieve both light-hearted film to be sent via e-mail, heavier movies to burn directly to CD or DVD.

Under Active Thyroid More Condition_symptoms Uk

Very late is better Than Never!!

Here, I made it, today I finally managed to make my Christmas tree, loooong similar to that of last year, but a little richer, with some additions.
It had never happened to the tree so late, what a shame!
Here are some photos, the ones who are able to do before the car's battery runs out.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

West Coast Chopper Bike

55%. La Camera dei deputati approva la proroga del bonus ... - Guida Finestra

55%. The Chamber of Deputies approved the extension of bonus ...
Help Window
... energy regeneration: replacement of fixtures, more efficient boilers, thermal coat, more insulated roofs, solar panels. ...
energy regeneration, 55% deduction in the budget SosTariffe
The deduction of 55% is a year older Il Sole 24 Ore
Ecobonus yes, but with reserve Earth

all the news (17) "

Monday, December 6, 2010


Xmas is coming!! (And I'm not ready !!!!!!!)

Happy Monday to all,
for various reasons have not yet been able to cross as anything Christmas, indeed, is from my last post che non ho più crocettato affatto!!
E purtroppo, causa alcuni lavori in casa....non ho ancora potuto addobbare le stanzette nè fare albero e presepe... =(((((
Così mi sono accontentata di un piccolo angolino dove ho messo i miei muscari e una piccola lanterna, poi, quando i lavori saranno terminati sfogherò la mia "natalite acuta" =).
(quella cosa bianca che si vede dietro i muscari è una prova di calza natalizia con fiocco rosso annesso)

E per lascio la foto della streghetta che avevo ricamato per Halloween.
Non ho ancora deciso se diventerà un mini quadretto, un bigliettino o che altro, si accettano tips =)


Monday, November 29, 2010

Natural Women On Motorcycles


The title refers to all the frustration had in the past days.
Because of a failure of the ADSL line was signed off from the world web, I could not see your blog and if by mistake I was able to open your pages I could see only the title =((((
Now I can and hope to repeat be able to upload some photos of my latest efforts

This is a chicken comes from a book Stoney Creek, I'm embroidering on the chest of a red checkered apron

This however is a UFO over.
IN practice years and years ago I began to embroider a cloth with this cup of coffee

The primary idea was to make the entire length of the cloth many cups equal, but instead this embroidery was revealed as one of the ones that excite only the first 5 minutes, then I did not like anymore, so the cup was left alone and unfinished ....
few weeks ago, the idea .... there were these beautiful slices of plum cake, I would say that I wanted to embroider from time immemorial, so I decided to finish the cup and I tried to add the slices first on one side

then the other .....

and this is the result ..... the cup is always ugly, but I wanted to leave the "old" with the new.
is an overview.

This is the hand embroidery that for now I love most of all.
This is a subject that I wanted to embroider from the first moment I saw him, but in the '90s and I had never started, so far.

The pepper is not finished yet and everything will be finished embroidery sewn onto a pot holder, I would say one of those big, beautiful white Ikea.
I love what's coming, the DMC 666 is really vibrant red looks almost alive. "

I have other things in the pipeline, but mica can reveal .... everything at once right?

good week


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Digital Foto Club Promotions


Hello all, I'm not gone, in fact, are very active creatively, I have completed two cross stitch, one of whom was a UFO from time immemorial by now, then I put up a Christmas stocking started and very easy (they are already half) another cross stitch project I wanted to do for a long time.
And last, I have also decorated a clay piggy bank than a decoupage (Christmas theme).
Unfortunately it always rain and take pictures with chores finished (which also had the first iron) you need some great light, so you see them avere ancora un pochino di pazienza.....
Oggi vi lascio con due fotografie relative ad alcune delle mie collezioni....

la prima è una collezione che mi poro avanti sin da bambina, quella dei puffi , ma i veri puffi di quel materiale gommoso, non quelli che fanno adesso e che sono di plastica e se non sbaglio possono anche muovere le braccia
La seconda è una collezione iniziata più da grande....., magneti da frigo , soprattutto a tema culinario (questo è il fianco del mio frigorifero) Mi è venuta una gran voglia di Natale, le vetrine sono già colme di addobbi, le riviste che adoro hanno già fatto uscire l'edizione natalizia and even your blog is already whitened by a thin layer of snow =))
Today I put some little decorations here and there, the little things you buy this year, the others are in boxes in the attic and I have not had the courage to get out all ....

Have a nice evening


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Unable To Prepare Game Executable

Work in progress and the old chore

Here, just to stay on the subject of pumpkins though Halloween is already past ... one of my work in progress ...
And even an old finish (as always forgive the bad photo, taken long ago, I promise to retaking the pinch in a better ....) These pigs since I liked From the first moment I saw them, bought a book years ago, and in fact I had made just now .....

Good afternoon everyone.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Travesti Camila Close


Today it's my birthday! Take a piece of cake!
Today is my birthday! Take a piece of cake.

this image is from a site that i reccomend you to visit! Yummy!
This stunning image is taken from the luscious site

Monday, October 25, 2010

Inner Ear Infection More Condition_treatment

my corner Halloween

Wishing you good week, I leave you some pictures of my little corner devoted to Halloween.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Pinky's Hair Removal Laser

my birthday is coming .... Boo to you

very few days will be my birthday so I feel like every time a little strange.
do not know if it happens to you but every birthday is a time for reflection for me, to take stock of the situation ....
Often this time is accompanied by a slightly bitter taste in the mouth because I find myself thinking about what I did (in reality much more than what I did o non sono riuscita a fare) e insomma...non sempre il bilancio è così positivo come si vorrebbe, soprattutto considerando che siamo sempre i più severi giudici di noi stessi.....
Comunque.....martedì 26 compirò 34 anni....ricordatevi di passare qui per una fetta di torta =)))) )

On thuesday it'll be my birthday, i'm getting 34!
When the birthday is approaching I always feel in a strange mood because i examine all the things done (or more specificly those i wasn't able to do, to reach) and....maybe i don't like some things like they are. I'm a severe judge to myself, the most severe in the whole world!!!
But let's have happier thoughts: remember to visit the blog on That Day, there will be cake for all!!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hiatus Hernia More Condition_treatment

miniricamo here's how I finished the Halloween theme, I made up a bearing, is the first time you get one then has all its faults but it is nice.
Now I'm struggling with the vecdrete miniricamo stregoso .... soon.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Tooth Abcess Problems

Carin's wonderful blog giveaway

there's a wonderful giveaway on Carin's blog!
Come and see!!