Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Travesti Camila Close


Today it's my birthday! Take a piece of cake!
Today is my birthday! Take a piece of cake.

this image is from a site that i reccomend you to visit! Yummy! http://www.cakejournal.com/
This stunning image is taken from the luscious site

Monday, October 25, 2010

Inner Ear Infection More Condition_treatment

my corner Halloween

Wishing you good week, I leave you some pictures of my little corner devoted to Halloween.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Pinky's Hair Removal Laser

my birthday is coming .... Boo to you

very few days will be my birthday so I feel like every time a little strange.
do not know if it happens to you but every birthday is a time for reflection for me, to take stock of the situation ....
Often this time is accompanied by a slightly bitter taste in the mouth because I find myself thinking about what I did (in reality much more than what I did o non sono riuscita a fare) e insomma...non sempre il bilancio è così positivo come si vorrebbe, soprattutto considerando che siamo sempre i più severi giudici di noi stessi.....
Comunque.....martedì 26 compirò 34 anni....ricordatevi di passare qui per una fetta di torta =)))) )

On thuesday it'll be my birthday, i'm getting 34!
When the birthday is approaching I always feel in a strange mood because i examine all the things done (or more specificly those i wasn't able to do, to reach) and....maybe i don't like some things like they are. I'm a severe judge to myself, the most severe in the whole world!!!
But let's have happier thoughts: remember to visit the blog on That Day, there will be cake for all!!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hiatus Hernia More Condition_treatment

miniricamo here's how I finished the Halloween theme, I made up a bearing, is the first time you get one then has all its faults but it is nice.
Now I'm struggling with the vecdrete miniricamo stregoso .... soon.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Tooth Abcess Problems

Carin's wonderful blog giveaway

there's a wonderful giveaway on Carin's blog!
Come and see!!
