Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jcpenney Salon Coupons


Andreste a mangiare in un ristorante dove sapete che i cuochi hanno il vizio
di mettersi sempre le dita nel naso?

Eppure non è reato.

Le proposte di varare una legge sulle intercettazioni telefoniche come quella
palesata dalla classe politica è una vergogna bipartisan con  poche
eccezioni. Hanno persino il coraggio di presentare le loro faccione paciose per
dire in tutte le salse quale attentato alla democrazia sia che il cittadino
sappia che facevano solo il tifo o piccole notiziuole del genere.

La realtà è che i politici non vogliono che noi si sappia che si mettono le
dita nel naso e così nella bella cucina Italia ci preparano deliziosi
manicaretti knowingly swallowed although everyone knows what happens beyond the door.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cell Phone Moistureindicator

's official

So it is official.
The government will last at least 2 years 6 months and one day to allow our representatives to achieve the minimum that will allow them to use the gold earned retirement in the face of ordinary citizens. It was not yet sure, many things had to do but now I have reached certainty.
The issue of the new electoral law will take away the time for our heroes, the conflict of interest is yet to be put on the table discussions, unmarried couples are still a problem unravel in all its facets and then we go, we want to put the great question of the Democratic Party?
I sincerely believe that these historic decisions (?) Should be made when in opposition, I thought the rule did not leave time for these steps. How wrong I was!
Our hard working not only able to govern but also to create a new party, one thing Italy needs stated in the choir under the benevolent gaze of Berlusconi, who lost no time for yet another mess-up his pro domo .

thought we had voted to change Italy and instead we find ourselves with a nomenklatura worse. The only
risultati che mi vengono in mente di questa legislatura sono un

bellissimo indulto
che ha permesso ai delinquenti comuni ed agli amici degli
amici di passarla liscia ed ultimamente questa bella legge di Mastella, ben
spiegata nel

blog di Romina
. Due begli esempi di maggioranza bulgara, al di là delle
divisioni ideologiche, dei credo politici, delle dichiarazioni di facciata. Alla
faccia nostra.

Viva l'Italia.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pubic Itchiness Crabs

What Goduria

Oggi è stata la giornata delle due godurie.

E' cominciato stamattina con la

decisione dell'UEFA
di assegnare i campionati europei di calcio del 2012 al
duo Ucraina/Polonia leaving you with an inch of his nose, the Italian representatives are sure to win hands down because of some kind of predestination.
not want to be misunderstood, is a fresh blow to Italy world champion nation and certainly most appropriate facilities, stadiums, development of sport-football of the competition. But this is not what they see of us abroad. We Italians are seen as a bluff and is something that the politicians would do well to confront the country. My
Goduria stems from the fact that if we had assigned the Europeans would have been as usual a magna magna, infrastructure created specifically to waste money, work unfinished, bribes galore. Here because it is a pleasure.
I hope that the money, if any, are better spent in support of citizenship and not to build cathedrals in the desert.

Goduria The second result came from the San Siro where AS Roma beat Inter now mathematically certain to win the Scudetto. Pathetic dive of the emperor Hadrian, a marcantonio 189 cm high and weighing 86 kg who did not find anything better than fainting in the area to catch a red and yellow panalty. Elisabetta Canalis
pathetic and Riccardo Ferri on TV instead of admitting the simulation with refinement of Hadrian were scrambling just to show that it was rigorous. Pathetic
players che tronfi dello scudetto di cartone cucito sulle loro
maglie continuano a declamare la condotta cristallina della propria società, la
stessa società dei passaporti falsi, dei falsi in bilancio, delle plusvalenze
fantasma, dei controlli in barba alla privacy fatti tramite Telecom a giocatori
ed arbitri. Degli angioletti puri ed integri insomma.

Non si rabbuino i tifosi interisti, lo scudetto sarà loro per quest'anno anche
se molti hanno dubbi sul valore della competizione 2006/2007. Io non sono
d'accordo: i nerazzurri hanno combattuto per il primo posto con squadroni del
calibro di Empoli e Palermo e sono persino riusciti ad infilare un record
infinito di vittorie grazie alla saggia guida di un fine esteta del calcio come
Roberto Mancini ed alla presidenza di un gran signore come Moratti, uno che con
quello che ha speso in questi anni per un fuoriclasse come Recoba avrebbe potuto
sfamare un piccolo Stato africano. Se poi in Champions League sono stati
eliminati è tutto colpa di un destino cinico e baro che non permette alla
squadra milanese di vincere una cippa da qualche anno, un po' come succedeva in
Italia fino a quando si è scoperto che erano gli

Viva gli onesti


Monday, April 9, 2007

Bedwetting Store Promos

reservations for 8 people? Unable

Certo che certa gente ha un bel coraggio a tentare una truffa scrivendo una
email di questo Generally, I'm still rolling with laughter.
This is a kind of scam is intended to hotels and restaurants. The scam is headed by gangs based in Africa, usually in Côte d'Ivoire. Used for telephone calls to a telephone service portability (prefix 0022) that British Telecom sells handsomely on a par with our own 144 and 899. I am comforted that this does not happen only in Italy.

I thought no one may fall but the voracious hunger of money has led some to fall for a bad hotel. My opinion is that it serves him well.

Another example of fraud, more refined Blog Sergio .

OGGETTO: Chieda la prenotazione 08 genti 

Sono il sig. HERMANE LARUSE and che vorrei fare una prenotazione di 02 tabelle
nel vostro ristorante per 08 genti nel quadro del mio compleanno dell'unione e
vorrei a anche chiedergli se avete gli appartamenti o stanze perché desidero
anche riservare 02 appartamenti o 04 doppie stanze.   


Data dal pranzo: 22/03/2007

di ora del pranzo: GMT di 19Heurs 30mn. 

Un certo numero di gente: 8 numeri della GENTE (6 adulti + 2 bambini)

di tabelle riservate: 02 tabelle. 

Tipi di stanze riservate: 04 doppie sale 02appartements.

Durata di prenotazione delle stanze: dal 18/03/2007 al 25/03/2007  


Poichè vorrei informarlo poichè verrei con la mia moglie, i miei 2 bambini, il
mio father-in-law, il mio mother-in-law, più due amici.


Per questa prenotazione che gradirei che potete comporli un menu che contiene
un'entrata, un piatto di resistenza, un dessert, che beva (vino bianco o colore
rosso) tutto quello per 08 genti.  Così sono sullo standby della vostra
valutazione o accennerete la quantità totale di mia prenotazione per il pranzo
ed anche per l'alloggio in moda da poterlo spedire I you in advance the details of my credit card balance to my booking if your institution has a credit card terminal and if you agree in advance payments by credit card (VISA or Master Card). ;

I would also like to ask for your help with a problem that currently meet: I made a reservation at a travel agency and make all the tickets in the gold complex at 8500 € 's agency has no end of credit card so I could pay in advance on the sum of € 5000 € 3500, and since most do not have enough cash I'll have me on the Agency the sum of 3500 €.

also would like to add my reservation on the evaluation of the sum of 3500 € which is the amount that I need quiet to the agency so that they can deliver the tickets. Since it is a service that you ask me I want to also offer the sum of € 1500 for assistance and also cover the cost of the mandate of the UNION express train WESTENRA which must take place after the 3500 € on my credit card .

So I would like to receive the evaluation of the reservation in this manner: - The amount Booking total of € + 3500 express train of the term for my problem of plane tickets + 1500 € I offer you like the commission.

are on standby to send us your assessment of the particular my credit card to balance the reservation, so that you can also take € 3500 for help in front of my problem and also so that you take your commission of € 900. I am counting on you so that this dinner is a great success and all the information you can join me on the telephone: 00225 01930069 or by e-mail:
Mr. Charles
Peret. Phone: 00225 01930069

Monday, April 2, 2007

Instructions For Hydraulic Storage Bed

The City and the Province of Torino must receive state 6 million euros of rent arrears .
The municipality of Turin alone seems to be creditor to the Ministry of Justice of about 5 million.

mezzucci It also uses low-grade: In 2004, the Interior Ministry has released the payment of a 'tranche' of arrears is subject to obtaining a deduction of 10% turnover.
We remain a contract.

Meanwhile, about 2 billion euros of credit immediately due nice lie in the Italian Post Office boxes that nicely by a part of the State bonus interest of 1 percent, with all that Einstein has not occurred to anyone to negotiate other nicely and receives interest quite a bit 'more High on that same money that nicely lends to local authorities and ministries through Cassa .

But the state can do more, the offices involved in the collection are not even computerized at all gets Manazza as at the time of Garibaldi. The poor, probably in a basement they are dealing with a system that certainly will not try to copy the Chinese, the spark Italian intellect, the lift-practices. Fruit of the legendary Italian genius a pulley system allows shelving to climb or descend like an elevator. On many plans have put the folders of practices to deal with, there are three employees: the only example of obvious global failure in the management of public affairs.

Now I understand that there is a circle of people who take advantage of the source and have every interest to maintain the status quo but what I wonder is, and others?

Meanwhile the citizens of Turin will be required to pay their taxes with the deficiency of public machine, a subjective thing is not the result of bad decisions but true and his inability.

Video Reports , after the striking of the first minute you can enjoy the fruit of Italian genius, lift-the aforementioned practices. At minute 5:45 for the first time in my life I saw Mastella embarrassed, good Sabrina Giannini, Mastella is a fox.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Shingles On The Hands

Spaghetti alla carbonara

Here's how to get ready in 10 minutes a couple of plates of spaghetti carbonara. I will avoid
disquisitions on the fact that it is better the bacon or pork lard column, it is a recipe to make carbonara if there is to find someone and have the refrigerator empty.

The ingredients are few, the packaging of the dish extremely easy, just follow the instructions:

Serves 2:

160 grams of spaghetti

2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese (Grana Padano that's okay)
2 tablespoons cream (from the mount, be careful that it is not sweetened)
50 gr. bacon (bought one at the counter, cut into thin slices, to avoid that cubes found in their showcases)
butter pepper to taste

Boil the water.

Salare e gettare gli spaghetti.

In una piccola terrina mescolare i tuorli, il parmigiano e la panna. Aggiungere
una generosa dose di pepe macinato.

In una padella fare sciogliere il burro con la pancetta tagliata a striscioline.
La pancetta deve rosolare lentamente. Riporre in un luogo caldo.

A cottura ultimata rimettere la pancetta sul fuoco, scolare gli spaghetti e
saltarli in padella con la pancetta.

Spegnere il fuoco. Aggiungere il composto di uova, panna e parmigiano.

Mescolare bene e servire in piatti caldi.

Come avete visto è una ricetta semplicissima in cui bisogna solo seguire
alcuni importanti suggerimenti:

La pancetta dopo have been browned in a warm place to stay.
The spaghetti should be skipped only with the bacon and butter.
The egg should be added after turning off the gas. The egg does not cook.
The plates must be warm.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Poptropica How To Get Infinite Store Credits

But not in politics and public policy

The Catholic "can not rely on the principle of pluralism and the autonomy of lay involvement in politics and promotes solutions that compromise or undermine fundamental ethical requirements to safeguard the common good of society ".
But do not make policy.

Family Day, "the vescovi non possono che esaltare il corteo di Roma”.

Ma non fanno politica.

Il Parlamentare cattolico ha il "dovere morale di esprimere chiaramente e
pubblicamente il suo disaccordo e votare contro qualsiasi progetto di legge che
possa dare un riconoscimento alle unioni gay".

Ma non fanno politica.

"Nessun politico che si proclami cattolico può appellarsi al principio del
pluralismo e dell'autonomia dei laici in politica, favorendo soluzioni che
compromettano o che attenuino la salvaguardia delle esigenze etiche fondamentali
per il bene comune della società. Sarebbe incoerente quel cristiano che
sostenesse la legalization of de facto unions ".
But do not make policy.

The bishops claim the right and duty "to give [their] contribution to the common good."
But do not make policy.

"Every person, before other experiences, is a son, and every child comes from a couple formed by a man and a woman. Can be sure of the affection of parents, be introduced to them in the complex world of society, is a priceless heritage of safety and confidence in life. And this heritage is guaranteed by the family founded on marriage, because of the commitment that it brings: stable commitment of fidelity between spouses and loving commitment and education of children. Companies as well the existence of the family is an irreplaceable resource, protected by the Italian Constitution (see Articles. 29 and 31). First of all for the sake of procreation of children, only the family open to life can be considered true cell of society because it ensures the continuity and the care of generations. It is therefore in the interests of society and the rule that the family is strong and grow in a balanced way. "
But do not make policy.

Bishops reaffirm "respect" and "pastoral" for every person, even homosexual, but remember that "the law does not exist in order to give legal form to any social or ideological provide recognition: it has instead is to ensure public responses to social needs that go beyond the size private existence. " For this - they say - "guarantees" and "legal protections for people living can be met" within the framework of individual rights, without assuming that it would be a new legal alternative to marriage and family and would produce more failures than that would heal. "
But do not make policy.

The bishops recalled the encyclical Sacramentum Caritatis (n.83), which is required of politicians to "introduce and support laws inspired by values \u200b\u200bgrounded in human nature," which include "the family founded upon marriage between a man and woman. "
But do not make policy.

Giuseppe Anfossi of Aosta bishop: "Basically, this is an answer to those who question the DICO, whether they can be accepted by a legislator who is a good Christian, if he can vote for them. It 'an answer that we can also say almost Technique: The legislator who feels a part of the Church may. "
But do not make policy.

Still Giuseppe Anfossi: "So there is a representation of all respectful of democracy, which is given by the numbers, the people who have adherence to Christian life and marriage so that means. And this is also indirectly a defense of the simple: to protect them from ideological pressure from lobby themselves, beginning with one that is linked to the world of homosexuality. At the limit, we answer that the way we act protects the population from one part of interference that are just as violent and undemocratic. "
But do not make policy.

"The bishops have politics? The IEC is' a political subject? ". The Religious Information Service of the Italian Church responds to these questions today on noting that "there have been controversies." "In this respect - says Sir - the intervention of the Permanent Council of CEI and 'explicit in saying that the bishops have no political interests to say." But this can not be silent when it comes to values, "not negotiable".
But do not make policy.

Vatican-Israel relations: "the Church Catholic wants to see historical re-confirm your tax exemptions, which had already acquired in 1948, when the creation of the State of Israel and awaits the return of confiscated church properties - for example, the church-shrine in Caesarea, was confiscated in the 50s and subsequently razed. "
Dealing economy.

Citations: & task = view & id = 990 & Itemid = 2

An interesting analysis:

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Oakley razor Blades

And 'beautiful to see how Silvio Berlusconi if \u200b\u200bthe cables very well in every situation .

a pirouette here, beyond a statement, double axel, triple flip with forward spin and here it is, steel, unassailable, shining example of animal Italian politician. It's an indulgence
vote by his party-company to release his friends and left not caring about the consequences and ordinary citizens took to the streets for the legality and security, we declare the champion of the struggle to counter and declares that his party abstain from voting on the mission in Afagistan (so write it so that you understand what I mean if this message is read by some politicians).

great satisfaction for our soldiers, I guess at least they are realizing that to play on their skin for sinister interests of business.
citizens instead anesthetized by brief existence, are ancora capaci
di credere al profeta venuto da Arcore ed anche i leghisti mi chiedo come mai
non si facciano domande sui

fatti degli ultimi giorni
, il presunto acquisto dei consensi dei loro
dirigenti da parte di Berlusconi a suon di miliardi, fatti che hanno avuto vita
davvero breve, bisogna pur parlare di cose ben più importanti per la vita della
Nazione come party con transessuali e festini alla coca.

Evvai, bella Italia, Paese del sole, della mamma, dei mandolini, dei politici
svergognati, dei cittadini diversamente consapevoli e del gossip.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Used Yamaha Outboard Parts San Diego


Arrival fresh fresh from the withdrawal of a television that stopped working.

The company that performed the operation was very fast and professional. But to my request for invoice before I was told yes, then another person took over the situation and told me that for 35.00 Euros (which however are always Lire 70,000) were not the bill, it costs too much.
I was made a tax receipt.
My problem is that the TV is part of the assets of my company, do not ask for the bill to download the VAT but only to allocate costs to the company and not having to pay out of my pocket, what a day more and more difficult today.
And if you're dealing with someone of the older generation, the only name bill their causes mucous membrane irritation, anxiety and self-destructive impulses.
Now I understand if the seller wanted to pocket the money in black, but what do the changes between invoice and receipt do?

conclude that apparently I'm an ass because I also invoices from 7,000 lire!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Is Tobie Percival Engaged

Windows Vista

comment on a friend's Windows Vista computer consultant posted in forum:

I'm starting, unfortunately, the first PC to integrate with MS-Vista on my office network ... and started the first trouble.

First, who manages the roaming profile, you'll find 'immediately in the shit' cause, scientists at Microsoft have seen fit not to offer compatibility 'to all other previous versions of Windows :-(

This' means that records all user profiles (local settings, documents and other) of its network on a share of the server you will find 'a folder called PROFILE.V2.

If then in a traditional way, as I did, try to rename the old profile in PROFILE.V2 you will find a club that does not work ... So 'Now try to imagine the networks with thousands of users.

Fortunately it seems that someone Microsoft to have noticed and it 'will be a migration tool less traditional method of my Capuozzo

:-) If you have less than 2 GB of RAM avoid installing Vista. Waste time and avoid having to go to confession for such blasphemy. If you have a printer, a bit 'dated with good chances' will not find the drivers. So 'if you can not find a driver for another printer model, compatible with yours, you can safely throw it away.

The management of permissions on files and 'been changed. The user with administrator machine can not 'touch the files in the root of C drive Unless you change the permissions manually. The locking
executable at first glance seems nice but then, with all the pop-up confirmation that come out every time you go to run any exe ciofeche you split the balls in an irreversible way.

some factors positive, but few have been integrated. For the rest seems to work like XP, with the gui interface of Apple :-) explorer (not iexplore) does not seem that great 'convenient. If you are used to search files with XP, paste the path from the address bar and other customs widely acquired, you will begin to have the nerves. 'Cause the shit you learned and automatisms are useless. The

dialup networking (remote access) and 'cute. Too bad that when you connect to a VPN and want to disconnect quickly there is more 'chance' of right-click on icontray to end it. User settings are no longer 'under the now infamous Documents and Settings folder but SYSTEMDISK%% \\ Users.

E 'have created a virtual linking, Unix model, to take a minimum of compatibility' to the applications that still use the system settings, folders, binding standards of the older version.

Maybe there will have to 'get some' hands to begin to gain a little 'more' of familiarity. But the passage 2000> XP in my opinion and 'scazzante was far less than Vista. None yet me explains why 'the devil they did 4 versions. Home Basic what is the use? :-) Miss everything

The Home Premium and 'a cross between Media Center and XP Home. The business has almost everything except the BitLocker ... stupid thing, because at the end and 'in an office that is sometimes required encryption of sensitive data.

Finally, the Premium package, black, everybody talks about but nobody knows what the fuck is' inside so abominable and exciting ...
The mystery: it is possible to 'connect the XBOX 360, solves hardware failures including a fire and the Tsunami, this layer protects data with BitLocker system that seems to be $ 10 shareware utility or postcard to the author, downloaded from tucows

:-) And finally, the corporate backup ... fuck that big word! I challenge any IT manager to integrate into your network seriously. Who does it and 'a little boy. The serious use IT solutions like VERITAS (now Symantec) ARCServe or maybe with a nice tape libraries, NAS or SAN.

Conclusion: maybe they took the piss ... years of hard development of idiots for a modest achievement and a built-insured.

E 'in 1983 who live in the hope that Microsoft improved its software in an intelligent ... It took five versions of DOS to write a DISKCOPY to a "past" ... but then I realize that if they made the software perfect for us poor consultants there would be more 'work.

Ergo, continue to buy Microsoft products otherwise we all become unemployed :-)

Monday, March 5, 2007

Birthday Cake Bicycle


And while our country staggers the wife of a minister and vice premier take a salary from pouring out the opposition leader for a day lot of platitudes from the nets of the "enemy" while he, the minister, by a display of incomprehensible English on multimillion

But at least someone had the courage to tell him che è ridicolo oppure il
suo immenso egocentrismo ha suggerito ai gestori di pubblicare il video? Oppure
si tratta di ignoranza o di voglia di comparire a tutti i costi?

Questa sarebbe la risorsa "di punta" del turismo italiano nel mondo.

Si stava meglio quando si stava peggio.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Baby Messages To The Baby

Di Pietro and Second Life Scientists

E' di qualche giorno fa la notizia che

l'On. Di Pietro ha acquistato un'isola su
Second Life .

Second Life è un mondo virtuale dove ci si può comportare come nella vita reale.
Si incontrano persone, si comperano cose, si costruiscono case ed oggetti that can be sold. After endless research, I finally found this famous island. This is the address: 20Park/128/128/0

Now I just have to understand how the management of my avatar eheheh. See you there

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thank You In Wedding Program

Murray Gell-Mann was a scientist of great value and great ability: he spoke more languages \u200b\u200bthan you know his friends list, was a connoisseur of things very diverse, from botany to the technique of carpet weaving in the Caucasus, and, it was said with pardonable exaggeration, was considered a great physicist, not because he had special aptitude for physics, but simply because he deigned to include among its many interests. He was also very arrogant. From the widespread view that it was the smartest man in the world, Gell-Mann was not the least willing to dissent, when he was awarded the Nobel Prize - echoing Newton's comment that if he had seen farther than others, it was because he was hoisted on the shoulders of giants - claimed that if he, Gell-Mann, could see farther than others, it was because he was surrounded by dwarves. Intellectual great fighter, capable of great arrogance, corrected for strangers as pronounced their own name, while he, in turn, would pronounce foreign words with an accent so impeccable that sometimes he could not make himself understood.

Richard Feynman, Gell-Mann's main competitor for the title of most intelligent man in the world but alien to any arrogance, Gell-Mann once met in the hallway of the California Institute of Technology, which gave up their offices, and asked him where he had been in the journey he had made a few days earlier. "A Montréal " said Gell-Mann, greater emphasis on French pronunciation so as to give the impression of suffocation. Feynman - which, as Gell-Mann, was born in New York - failed to understand that my colleague was talking about cities. "Do not you think" he asked when he finally realized that Gell-Mann was referring to Montreal, "you do not believe that the purpose of language is communication?"

These habits may have the effect of digging a moat around it, but it may be that Gell-Mann, like Newton, was in need of a moat.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Program Templates In Spanish

Special La7

receive and public

Dear friends, my name is Daniela

Department and an editor of the newscast La7.
return from Burkina Faso I made a special that tells a little 'things I've seen and - above all - talk about Women looking for a way out of poverty. They are positive examples, Africa is not only despair. The second part of the special is from my colleague Silvia Resta and tells of Kenya and women here - underpaid - cultivate flowers. The chemicals pollute and ruin their arms. The flowers are beautiful, are shipped and sold anywhere in Amsterdam. For
logical that she understood, this special has been planned in the early evening on Saturday ... in fact sent to the slaughter.
So you can say that Africa is a topic that does not listen because it is boring and that the information is not needed (even that is boring). Only if you

consider it appropriate to ask you to report to as many people as you can the special. They called "Rose of Africa", is aired Saturday, February 17 at 20:30. Thanks & Regards

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Football Cake Designs Online


How can we have confidence in a political class that has to decide our guest houses, steps, stairs, raising the retirement age but they have retired after two years.
How can we have confidence in a political class that has to decide on PACs, families are no unions, is a matter of principle, we must defend the values \u200b\u200bof their traditions, but the PAC if they are made some time ago.
How can we have confidence in a political class that has to decide on the control of current accounts of citizens, the tax office keeps track of the movements of citizens, is essential in the fight against tax evasion, avoidance, with this system will disappear when we do not have a rag test of how much and how they spend funds on political parties.
How can we have confidence in a political class that has to decide on the use of drugs, taking drugs is wrong, drugs is bad, who is a joint becomes toxic when a significant percentage of MPs have been caught using drugs in the previous thirty hours .
How can we have confidence in a political class that has to decide on the huge Italian economic waste when they were abolished after a referendum funding to parties and they reintroduced them with different name.
How can we have confidence in a political class that has to decide whether a crackdown on crime and the only result was an outrageous indulgence that still cries out for vengeance.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Congratulatory Sayings For A Baby


Free Image Hosting at

This is Ebhi-Il, the Superintendent of Mari . E 'was carved in 2400 BC and is now in the Louvre.
When I saw him I fell in love. It 's a masterpiece.
I turned to see if there are reproductions but zero, nisba.
It 'possible that no one else in the world wants to have a play-The Ebih in your living room?
I'll have to ask the Louvre?
Writing what?
What I did have a cast?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Honeywell Chronotherm Iii -ac


Continued appreciation of a character like Craxi.
on all the news we heard what was an important statesman, a shrewd strategist and an administrator blameless.
Not even 100 years from now I would have liked to hear these words and instead feel just seven years after his death in exile says the clique of politicians, who escaped from the clutches of justice, pregiudicato e latitante aggiungo io.

Come è possibile che ieri il Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano,
Pier Ferdinando Casini, il presidente della Camera Fausto Bertinotti, l'ex capo
dello Stato Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, il senatore Lino Jannuzzi,  Fabrizio
Cicchitto, Margherita Boniver, Roberto Villetti ed il diessino Giuseppe
Caldarola abbiano reso omaggio ad un uomo che è scappato dalle sue

Ci sarebbe anche da discutere sulla grandezza dello statista ma questo è un
altro paio di maniche.

Resta solo la frase di Casini a sottolineare la scollatura tra la politica ed il
sentire della gente normale: «È forte ancora Today the contrast between two opposing evaluations of Craxi's: one that emphasizes the great political skill and the modernity of his being a political leader and prime minister and one that gives precedence over all other considerations the court findings concerning the moral question "


Well dear, I am one of them: to be honest. The moral question should be the focus of your attention and sing the other hand there and you play it. You are disgusting and profoundly dishonest.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Things For Wedding Cards


course in this blog comes a bit 'of everything. It 's funny check referrers to see where they came from i visitatori e cosa stavano cercando.

Tra le keywords più gettonate ci sono:

Per le giornaliste

Lucia Blini in mutande" (gulp)

"Diletta Petronio"

"Marito Irma d'Alessandro"

"Fidanzato Irma d'Alessandro"

Per lo sport


"Mark Bresciano"


"Zlatan Ibrahimovic"

"Mondiali di calcio"


"Vedere partite gratis"

"mondiali in chiaro"



"lista canali che trasmettono le partite in chiaro"

Per la musica

"Siouxsie and the Banshees"



Per la politica

"vota antonio"

"fondo di solidarietà fra gli onorevoli deputati"

Per l'archeologia

"pyramid snofru"

"Piramide Kufu "

now because I want to enjoy a little 'let's see if someone comes looking for these keywords:

" Berlusconi poor "
" Prodi Communist
"Napolitano in his underwear"
"house on the moon"
" Santanchè topless
"League Championship Series A free"
"Tronchetti Provera benefactor of humanity"
"taxes are good"
"flying donkeys in my sky"
"Daria Bignardi Naked
Inter thieves "
" Moggi saint now "
" Briatore Intelligent
"Bush's Vietnam" in
"pooh flowers to the devil to Jesus"
"Anchorwoman nude"

Monday, January 15, 2007

Congratulations Baby Message Wording


Our country is following a route towards fast cafonaggine more thrust.

Apart from the behavior of high-level politicians, bureaucrats and so I want to tell some incident that happened to me personally and made me think bitterly.

Last winter we had a big snowfall, about a meter in 24 hours.
My neighbor who runs a business as I had the brilliant idea to rent a bulldozer to move the snow. Too bad that has very cleverly designed to throw it without even asking for my parking. Not bad, my car is big enough. I'm just still bitter that he did not and asked to vacate their seats that I have destroyed two large pots with plants attached. When I asked for clarification that his answer was "He was working " that "we always put the snow there" and that I should not bother (I imagine you said another word included).

Today, another neighbor called a truck to unload the wood for his stove.
For the third time in two months I have found the company full exhaust of that truck that stays on all the time of transfer. When I asked to try to solve the problem (by reversing the order of march) I was told by two workers in a very aggressive: "We are working , we have insurance, do not bother." Here, too, have not used the word boxes.

So I wonder, since I'm I am also working what should be done to enforce their rights as such a beautiful morning I found a broken-down car in my car and take it away from the cops I had to threaten to move out into the street or when I have a shop destroyed by car insurer has tried by all means not to pay for it so I had to rely on a lawyer.

E 'this is a civilized country?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Humorous Wedding Invitation Wording


Only in Italy a character like Mario Scaramella could make a career he did.
This is just one example of how things might end up without dovuti
controlli . Nella gestione di un Paese la trasparenza è basilare ma
i nostri governanti pare se ne siano dimenticati.

Ecco una parte dell'inchiesta su Scaramella di Claudio Gatti:


Inchiesta di Claudio Gatti per Il Sole 24
ore – Primo di due articoli

Chi è veramente Mario Scaramella ? Opzione numero 1: un professore
universitario, dirigente di un organismo intergovernativo legato all'Onu di nome
Ecpp. Opzione numero 2: un uomo al servizio dell'intelligence italiana, inglese,
o americana. Opzione numero 3: un millantatore, forse patologicamente mitomane.
Un'inchiesta condotta da Il Sole-24 Ore con l'International Herald Tribune, ha
permesso di raccogliere elementi sufficienti per scartare l'opzione numero 1 e
ritenere la numero 2 altamente improbabile.

Il 31 dicembre, nel suo blog personale, l'ex presidente della Commissione
Mitrokhin, il senatore di Forza Italia Paolo Guzzanti , ha augurato
a tutti «un 2007 dirompente nella vittoria della verità sulle fabbricazioni».
«Il Sole-24 Ore» ha trascorso un mese alla ricerca dei fatti e (possibilmente)
della verità su Mario Scaramella . Conclusione: Paolo
è solo l'ultima di una lunga serie di persone che per 18 anni gli
hanno permesso di girare il mondo spacciandosi per quello che non è mai stato,
cioè commissario, magistrato antimafia, professore universitario, responsabile
di un'organizzazione intergovernativa ed esperto di intelligence sovietica. A
difesa di Guzzanti si può solo dire che l'elenco è lungo. Ma era
altrettanto lunga la serie di campanelli d'allarme che avrebbe dovuto far capire
a Guzzanti e agli altri che si trattava di un individuo da cui stare alla
larga. Arrestato il 24 dicembre, oggi il Tribunale del riesame deciderà se
concedere a Scaramella la scarcerazione mentre Attorney's Office is investigating the crimes of slander Bologna.

The rise of Mario Scaramella fighter environment, began very early. In March 1989, just 19 years, founded the cores of civilian security agents, or birth, a microgroups of nine components related to an environmental organization on the right, the Group of ecological research. A few months later, on September 12 '89, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Environment of the Province of Naples. But the long shot he did when he got a letter from the police anti-mafia which recommended to the prefecture issuance of firearms licenses for professionals in the service of the Birth of the "Commissioner Scaramella . A sign that letter was Luciana Villa, a family friend director of the Ministry of the Interior.

Then, waving away the badge to watch the fish-hunting provincial, "Mr Scaramella " is presented by the prosecution to two alternates in Santa Maria Capua Vetere for Support of the Judiciary in its activities to kidnapping . With the support of officials entrusted to him, Scaramella was a flurry of activity leading to seizures. "It may seem Incredibly, with its nucleus had the good and bad weather in the provinces of Naples and Caserta from 89 in mid '91, "says Rosaria Capacchione, the reporter of" Morning "that at the time he wrote an extraordinary series of articles. "He came to seize illegal buildings, hotels, restaurants, bars, a dairy and even a clandestine racecourse boss of Speech."

to end the antics of birth was a sergeant of police became suspicious of the fact that at the time of the signing of the minutes, Scaramella found a way to distance themselves. In July '91, he was put on trial for misuse of title and public functions. The sentence fu depositata il 31
dicembre 1994, dopo un procedimento in cui vennero chiamati a testimoniare sia i
due sostituti ingannati che l'Alto commissario antimafia Domenico Sica.

In quell'occasione si manifestò un fenomeno che avrebbe accompagnato la carriera
di Scaramella : la presa di distanza di chi gli aveva dato legittimità.
Ecco che cosa scrive l'allora pretore Roberto de Falco nella sua sentenza:
«Larghe zone d'ombra sono rimaste, anche in conseguenza della retromarcia... da
parte di molti organi istituzionali che avevano appoggiato lo Scaramella
e i Nasc... retromarcia evidenziata dal contenuto chiaramente minimizzatore, se
non reticente, di molte delle deposizioni dei pubblici officials enforced in court. "
The conviction was later overturned on appeal with a motivation defined today by de Falco "in point of law 'which was established to" commissioner "was in everyday language, and Scaramella had used it as commission chairman of Birth.

Scaramella discovered America
events judicial Scaramella forced to close the Birth. But not discouraged. Having burned land near his home, looked beyond national borders, focusing on acronyms in English and contacts across the Atlantic. Thus was born the
Special Research Monitoring Center (SRMC), which declared virtual entity connected with space centers and American college but had not even a real home. It burst onto the scene with Filippo Marino, a former army officer Italian security expert who had done training courses in the use of arms to the group of Scaramella. Marino had moved to San Francisco in the early 90's. Periklis Papadopoulos had met there, a researcher of Greek origin who worked for the Eloret, a research firm Space NASA subcontractor. For Scaramella was the key to regain legitimacy. With

its international connections, she decided to try their hand in the field of expert advice. Immediately found jobs at the power of attorney of Verona and Reggio Calabria. To give him advice in Reggio was the substitute Francesco Blacks, former right hand man in Palmi Agostino Cordova, who then led an investigation of suspected vessels were sunk to dispose of radioactive waste. Scare emerged a report in which they were given dozens of suspicious sinkings in the Mediterranean. The search for these relics could be a business of billions. Scaramella reconstructed the story in an interview to the 'Espresso': 'It was 1996, when the magistrates of Calabria contacted me for a delicate mission. They wanted to find a sunken ship in the Mediterranean suspected of transporting radioactive waste, or When, therefore, my contacts. " Scaramella was referring to Eloret. "It was a perfect structure for our needs, but it was too exposed to take the job," he explained. His proposal was to use the SRMC, presented as representative of Eloret in Italy.

dell'Srmc The plan envisaged an investment of 1 billion 400 million lira. The case was then transferred to substitute anti-mafia prosecutor Alberto Cisterna that, suspiciously, stopped everything. "If I'm not mistaken the expertise of Scaramella assumed the existence of undercurrents order of hundreds of kilometers per hour that could have prevented the discovery of the wrecks, "he recalls today Cisterna. "Since the underwater currents in the Mediterranean can reach up to 10 knots, that statement helped to raise serious doubts in me about all the activities carried out expert, doubts also reported in the parliamentary hearing."

The Environmental Crime
alarms Cisterna not enough to curb the activities of Scaramella. In fact urged him to strengthen his international career. Here is the final step: the intergovernmental body. In March 1997, together with the trust Marino, Scaramella founded the Environmental Crime Prevention Program, the Program for the prevention of environmental crime. It was sold as a body of international law but was an empty box that is not being registered in any country in the world. The ECPP

born already ... born with "The Plenary Conference" held in Naples. The first conference is not to be ever made. Probably because the best way to convince someone to get involved was to present an intergovernmental program that already exists. Having to create a semblance of international, Scaramella decided to appoint three "special assistants" in a statement that appeared as "John Graham Taylor (UK), Christian Trentola (France) and Phillip Marino (Germany). The first was an inexperienced employee of British nationality. The second of a young Neapolitan French mother whose last name was actually written without the final accent. The third, his partner Phil Marino.

Boasting nothing more than an acronym, Scaramella began to weave his web. In December 1998, ECPP he applied to get the status of "observer" at the London Convention, an organization linked to the International Maritime Organization. He was granted the must clearly mark the first provisional and then final without scruple to verify the true nature and consistency of the organization. Scaramella and his were so invited to attend annual meetings of the Convention, an award duly advertised.

Another element in the work of standing dell'Ecpp came from NATO. With amazing effrontery, Scaramella said funds and sponsorship of the NATO Science Program for a conference on environmental security to be held in Lithuania in cooperation with local government. He got everything and it was co-organizer of the NATO workshop. When we asked the current director Born of the program, Chris De Wispelaere, as might have happened, his response was: "His proposal was clearly valid."

A similar operation was conducted against the Secretariat of the Basel Convention for the protection of the environment, under the aegis of the UN body based in Geneva. In this case, Scaramella even managed to sign a cooperation agreement. Even here, no one ever took the trouble to check anything. Was needed was self dell'Ecpp citing the "IV Plenary Conference," which was held in New York have offices in the U.S. environment agency, the EPA.

him to have the availability of these offices in November 2000 was Michael Penders, an official of the legal department of Ep that in a few months would leave the state administration to establish his own consulting firm and then was concerned to create a network of international contacts. Now minimize Penders: "We gave him an office for an hour." But an hour was enough to Scaramella. And still the same Penders joined the organization. "I only agreed to give support to the group of legal work," she justifies.

But how could an officer of an important U.S. government entity associated with a Scaramella ? "I had met at the NATO conference in Lithuania. It seemed to me a young and dynamic law professor who had put together a network of scientists, "he says Penders. He was then helped by the fact that Scaramella said she was also an "anti-Mafia magistrate." University professor? Anti-Mafia magistrate? In both cases the charge was fabricated. However, on the basis of an infinitesimal grain of truth. On June 6, 2001, with the blessing of the President of the Court and the Judicial Council of Naples, and a resolution of the Plenary Assembly of the Council of the Judiciary, Scaramella could actually become honorary judge of the court. It was an honorary office, which had nothing to do with the fight against the Mafia. But it was enough to build the usual house of cards.

Also in the university, he managed to obtain the supporting documents. He started in 1998 with the Department of Science internationalist University Federico II of Naples. "I was approached by Scaramella, who told me to be leading a unit of environmental criminology and asked me to establish a working relationship. He told me to have important contacts, adding that a cousin of two of my former students, Stephanie and Sergio Rastrelli, son of former President of the Campania region, Antonio Rastrelli, "says Professor Luigi Sico, then head of the Department. "We draw up a framework agreement that gave the department the task of providing staff training. Part of the straight course was intended to fund the department and the university. But the Convention do not apply because Scaramella there never came any request. "

Not yet satisfied, Scaramella came forward with the Department of Space Science and Engineering (Disisa) of Frederick II. "It has important contacts in the political-scientific, saying among other things, being a professor at Stanford and ECPP ground that had been mandated by the environment ministers of member countries, "says Professor Paul Oliviero, who shortly after became director of the department. It seemed like a good proposal and a resolution of 19 June 2000 the department decided "to establish a program called Center for Space Policy." The paragraph 3 of resolution said that "the operational arrangements of the Centre will be defined by a specific regulation of the Department, and item 4 that" the seat of the Centre will be at the same Department. Also this time was a statement of intent that would have to follow operational arrangements. Even at this time Scaramella enough. It disappeared.

His name came up again a year later, July 14, 2001, when the Department received a letter from the police, who "for urgent criminal investigations" if asked Scaramella "is in possession of a researcher and educator in politics Space at this University "and" if it is, or has been, director of the Center for Space Policy. " The responses were both negative. Then another year passed before he buckled under the name of Oliver Scaramella. This time was to make him a professoressa
universitaria colombiana, che il 27 marzo 2002 lo andò a trovare all'Università
per mostrargli un attestato appena ricevuto. Si trattava di un diploma su carta
pergamenata del «Centro di politica spaziale del Dipartimento di scienza e
ingegneria dello spazio». Era firmato dal direttore del centro, il professor
Scaramella .

«Se ricordo bene mi disse di averlo pagato», dice Olivero, che a quel punto,
dopo aver avuto l'indirizzo, decise di recarsi di persona negli uffici del
Centro spaziale di Scaramella . «Era al primo piano sottoscala del palazzo
del Cinema delle Palme, in Via Vetriera a Chiaia n.12», ricorda il professore.
«Fuori del portone, sulla placca del campanello, trovai appiccicati due piccoli
stemmi dell'Università». Oliviero scrisse una lettera di denuncia al rettore,
mettendosi a disposizione dell'ufficio legale dell'Università.

Ma il 4 ottobre successivo, ricevette l'invito ufficiale a un convegno che
stava organizzando al Centro italiano di ricerche aerospaziali
(Cira), diretto da un altro professore di ingegneria dell'Università di Napoli,
Sergio Vetrella. Oliviero si preoccupò ovviamente di avvertire il collega della
trappola. In un'email mandata in copia all'intero Dipartimento il 23 ottobre
2002, scrisse: «Caro Sergio, ho avuto notizia di un workshop su tecnologie
spaziali... organizzato da tale Mario Scaramella presso il Cira a
nome di un fantomatico Centro di politica spaziale del Disis. Ti ricordo che
noi, come Dipartimento, non ci siamo mai sognati di costituire tale centro...
Non abbiamo mai visionato le credenziali dello Scaramella , né delle sue
iniziative. Dette iniziative devono intendersi del tutto arbitrarie e, comunque,
mai autorizzate né da me né tanto meno dal Disis. Paolo Oliviero».

Una decina di giorni dopo, il Cira diffuse un comunicato annunciando il convegno
in cui si diceva: «Organizzatore dell'evento è l'Ecpp, rappresentato in Italia
dal professor Mario Scaramella , general secretary of the Authority and director of the Center for Space Policy, University Federico II. " The conference, attended by a large Russian delegation as well as the usual suspects Papadopoulos and Penders, took place without any hitches whatsoever to Scaramella. Indeed, it was the culmination of its activities in space. So much so that took more and more to stand as director of the space center in Frederick.

He did well in an interview on "The Morning February 3, 2003, which again aroused the attention of Oliver. "On February 4, decided to call for cautionary to continue to use that name," recalls. The next day he received a long fax of excuses and justifications: "Dear Professor Oliver, I am writing to apologize to you and your colleagues in the department if the interview published by the" Morning "I mentioned to my title of director of the Center space policy, and if this act have caused some disturbance. "

diplomas, certificates and professional courses conducted according to the occasion by ECPP, SRMC, Center for Space Policy Unit and environmental criminology not only served to meet young graduates who gave him a hand as Christian or Trentola Carmine Minoia, who could mention them in their curricula. They were also a potential source of funding. What is certain is that the online curriculum developed by Minopoli refers to vocational training "sponsored by the Campania Region" took place between 1994 and 1998.
Scaramella found in some other public funding national parks. As one of the Gargano, June 27, 2002, by a resolution of the then president Matteo Fusilli entrusted the task of demolition of illegal artifacts in Scaramella. The contract was formally awarded to the ECCP, called "inter-governmental organization based in public law Washington DC and a representative office in Via Vetriera Chiaie # 12, Naples. " In short, the usual sub Cinema Delle Palme. Legal representative of the organization: Giorgia Dionisio, Scaramella time companion, as a "special assistant secretary general dell'Ecpp.

in 2002 appear to have been made three payments, respectively, 51,645, 43,336 and € 268,764. But how could you pay a body that did not exist and had never been formally recorded in any country? No problem: the payments were made on the current account 27/36249 a branch of Banco di Napoli. Account holder: Mario Scaramella .

In 2003, he was then signed a new agreement for another 500 thousand euro but was revoked in June 2004 by the new president of the Park, the scrupulous lawyer Domenico Gatta, and by its board of directors. Other
commissioned Scaramella was the Vesuvius National Park Authority. Here's what he wrote Matthew Rinaldi, director of the park since last November: "The Authority has entered into two agreements with the ECPP for the demolition of illegal products and environmental restoration on 03/25/2003 and 02/12/2003 ... For the documents prepared by the Park signatories to the Conventions, he settled in Via Chiara Vetriera to 12 / d. The name of the company is: European public law for the prevention of environmental crimes based in Washington. All'Ecpp was paid a fee of € 860,824.34. Rinaldi has specified that in the case of the first convention ECPP was "represented" by his "secretary general, Dr. Pavel Suian," and the second by Giorgia Dionysus (along with another associate of Scaramella, such Livio Ricciardi) .

Suian was a former Rumanian diplomat who was then legal adviser to the Secretariat of the Basel Convention, one of the bodies to associatisi Scaramella. Contacted by the Sole-24 Ore, the Secretariat ha spiegato che «se
Suian avesse effettivamente firmato quel contratto sarebbe stato in violazione
delle norme dell'Onu» La strategia di Scaramella risulta a questo punto
chiara: utilizzare ogni singolo contatto o evento per accreditarsi e
legittimarsi con quello successivo in una straordinaria catena autoreferenziale
senza limiti geografici. Ma se è riuscito a farla franca fino al 24 dicembre
scorso, giorno del suo arresto, è stato per l'ingenuità, la passività e la
connivenza di persone che adesso fanno a gara nel minimizzare il proprio


Saturday, January 6, 2007

Show Me Your Spanish Wedding Invite


OSLO - Un albergo di Oslo della multinazionale
statunitense Hilton Hotel Corp. si e' rifiutato di ospitare una delegazione
cubana, a causa dell'embargo Usa verso Cuba. Il fatto ha suscitato un'ondata di
sdegno in Norvegia. Come gia' avvenuto, la delegazione cubana intendeva
soggiornare nell'albergo Scandic Edderkoppen, per una visita in occasione di una
fiera, ma lo scorso marzo l'hotel e' stato rilevato dalla catena Hilton e i
cubani erano stati percio' avvisati dall'albergo che, a causa delle sanzioni Usa
contro Cuba, non avrebbero potuto alloggiare nello Scandic Edderkoppen. Alcuni
sindacati norvegesi hanno protestato energicamente ed hanno chiesto il
boicottaggio degli alberghi controllati da Hilton in Norvegia. Il Centro
antirazzista di Oslo ha sporto complaint against the hotel. (Agr)
Source: Corriere della sera

The arrogance of the Americans has no boundaries. They claim
even apply their own laws in a foreign country and not just in Iraq but also in the civilized Norway.
E 'yesterday was very sad to see the' stunned Norwegian director of the hotel explaining that the TV with the change of ownership have been warned that they could no longer accommodate customers avoid penalties for Cubans to the property in their homeland.
wonder how does the manager of the Hilton in Rome ...

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Example Wedding Letter

Orwell did not dream

I can not believe it.

From now on, the U.S. will have access to sensitive data of Europeans who embark on flights to the United States under the pretext of the war on terrorism.

It 's a shame that the EU has accepted this diktat. It 's a restriction on the rights of citizens. I thought we were in Italy over the rulers of the planet but, unfortunately, unable even to see that Brussels is not joking. But where are our rights?

I wanted to go to visit the United States. A big country, big spaces, big city, nice people.
will remain a dream.
I can not accept that they can check my account, what I eat, my email. The owner of these data will not even be able to request them or see them, while the U.S. government can do whatever they want, even sell them to third companies for their own purposes. We already had the unfortunate experience of Echelon, a monster capable of intercepting data on the whole planet that was first denied the existence, the evidence then before it was submitted that was used to prevent terrorist attacks and in the end proved to be a deadly weapon for large U.S. industries that use those data to win multi-billion dollar contracts in the face of the rest of the world, liberismo di cui gli USA dovrebbero essere gli alfieri.

Ci stiamo avviando verso la dittatura. Soltanto che questa è più
non ne vediamo gli effetti sulla nostra vita quotidiana e per
questo è più pericolosa. Dobbiamo tutti prendere coscienza che i nostri
sacrosanti diritti vengono erosi continuamente dietro le nostre spalle e
combattere perchè ciò non avvenga.

Lo schifo è che pochissimi ne hanno parlato, neppure quei Soloni della casa
della libertà che denunciano continuamente questo governo che vuol mettere il
naso nei conti dei cittadini ma sta ben zitto quando una potenza straniera
si comporta anche peggio. Neppure la sinistra ready to take to the streets for the most appalling nonsense. The newspapers have been limited to a few short article, except for the Corriere della Sera to the paper version also includes a small interview with the guarantee of privacy that passing the buck, as always happens in these cases.

Where are we going?


U.S. May Access E-mail Accounts And Bank Of Air Passengers: Report
It 'is a complete handover of rights'
U.S. visitors face terror profiling