Saturday, March 31, 2007

Shingles On The Hands

Spaghetti alla carbonara

Here's how to get ready in 10 minutes a couple of plates of spaghetti carbonara. I will avoid
disquisitions on the fact that it is better the bacon or pork lard column, it is a recipe to make carbonara if there is to find someone and have the refrigerator empty.

The ingredients are few, the packaging of the dish extremely easy, just follow the instructions:

Serves 2:

160 grams of spaghetti

2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese (Grana Padano that's okay)
2 tablespoons cream (from the mount, be careful that it is not sweetened)
50 gr. bacon (bought one at the counter, cut into thin slices, to avoid that cubes found in their showcases)
butter pepper to taste

Boil the water.

Salare e gettare gli spaghetti.

In una piccola terrina mescolare i tuorli, il parmigiano e la panna. Aggiungere
una generosa dose di pepe macinato.

In una padella fare sciogliere il burro con la pancetta tagliata a striscioline.
La pancetta deve rosolare lentamente. Riporre in un luogo caldo.

A cottura ultimata rimettere la pancetta sul fuoco, scolare gli spaghetti e
saltarli in padella con la pancetta.

Spegnere il fuoco. Aggiungere il composto di uova, panna e parmigiano.

Mescolare bene e servire in piatti caldi.

Come avete visto รจ una ricetta semplicissima in cui bisogna solo seguire
alcuni importanti suggerimenti:

La pancetta dopo have been browned in a warm place to stay.
The spaghetti should be skipped only with the bacon and butter.
The egg should be added after turning off the gas. The egg does not cook.
The plates must be warm.


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