Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Oakley razor Blades

And 'beautiful to see how Silvio Berlusconi if \u200b\u200bthe cables very well in every situation .

a pirouette here, beyond a statement, double axel, triple flip with forward spin and here it is, steel, unassailable, shining example of animal Italian politician. It's an indulgence
vote by his party-company to release his friends and left not caring about the consequences and ordinary citizens took to the streets for the legality and security, we declare the champion of the struggle to counter and declares that his party abstain from voting on the mission in Afagistan (so write it so that you understand what I mean if this message is read by some politicians).

great satisfaction for our soldiers, I guess at least they are realizing that to play on their skin for sinister interests of business.
citizens instead anesthetized by brief existence, are ancora capaci
di credere al profeta venuto da Arcore ed anche i leghisti mi chiedo come mai
non si facciano domande sui

fatti degli ultimi giorni
, il presunto acquisto dei consensi dei loro
dirigenti da parte di Berlusconi a suon di miliardi, fatti che hanno avuto vita
davvero breve, bisogna pur parlare di cose ben piĆ¹ importanti per la vita della
Nazione come party con transessuali e festini alla coca.

Evvai, bella Italia, Paese del sole, della mamma, dei mandolini, dei politici
svergognati, dei cittadini diversamente consapevoli e del gossip.




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