Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cell Phone Moistureindicator

's official

So it is official.
The government will last at least 2 years 6 months and one day to allow our representatives to achieve the minimum that will allow them to use the gold earned retirement in the face of ordinary citizens. It was not yet sure, many things had to do but now I have reached certainty.
The issue of the new electoral law will take away the time for our heroes, the conflict of interest is yet to be put on the table discussions, unmarried couples are still a problem unravel in all its facets and then we go, we want to put the great question of the Democratic Party?
I sincerely believe that these historic decisions (?) Should be made when in opposition, I thought the rule did not leave time for these steps. How wrong I was!
Our hard working not only able to govern but also to create a new party, one thing Italy needs stated in the choir under the benevolent gaze of Berlusconi, who lost no time for yet another mess-up his pro domo .

thought we had voted to change Italy and instead we find ourselves with a nomenklatura worse. The only
risultati che mi vengono in mente di questa legislatura sono un

bellissimo indulto
che ha permesso ai delinquenti comuni ed agli amici degli
amici di passarla liscia ed ultimamente questa bella legge di Mastella, ben
spiegata nel

blog di Romina
. Due begli esempi di maggioranza bulgara, al di là delle
divisioni ideologiche, dei credo politici, delle dichiarazioni di facciata. Alla
faccia nostra.

Viva l'Italia.


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